
From our partners, students, and supporters...
“One of the pressing needs for existing ministries like Life Model Works is reaching and engaging the next generation. For that reason Hannah Ploegstra and her ministry are regular topics in our staff meetings and plans. We depend upon her vision and leadership.” Rev. Jim Wilder Ph.D. (Neurotheologian; Life Model Works; Author: Renovated and Escaping Enemy Mode)
“For those of us on the frontlines trying to make a difference in the lives of young people, when it feels like such a daunting path that we're not quite sure how to navigate, we need a guide. Enter Hannah Ploegstra, with her invaluable insights into Gen Z, and her hands-on experience in bridging the gap with adult mentors, which puts her in the position to help us find our way!” Reverend Matthew Wertin (Catholic Priest; Pastor of St. Mary's, Montrose, CO)
"I had the privilege to meet Hannah and her people by being a volunteer during a Gen Z retreat organized by Brineknit. The experience during that weekend was a beam of hope and an answer to prayer. I got to witness that Hannah and her team are called and empowered by God for a time like this. They are offering the young generation a safe place to be heard, understood, a church environment that they want to belong and reproduce – I got to hear this over and over during one-on-one conversations. A place to attach to Jesus and to the multigenerational family of God, a place to be healed and restore into the people God sees in them. Hannah and her team are breaking ground in a way of doing discipleship and spiritual maturity for the young ones confused and isolated relationally. I see God molding a way of hope not only for Gen Z but for the whole church community in this time in history." (Claudia Hendricks, Director of International Relations at Life Model Works)
“As a ‘Gentle Protector’ (grandparent) it has been my pleasure to come alongside Hannah in a supportive role. Hannah offers valuable insight into talking with and understanding the challenges and opportunities in front of GenZ and has made a positive and instructive impact on my relationships through her ministry.” (Jean McAbee, Fresno, CA)
“I have been connected with a non-profit ministry called Life Model Works for over 20 years, and one of our main tenets is to have 3 generations together, each giving and each receiving. This is not easy to achieve in our culture, but Hannah Ploegstra is making it happen - more than anyone else I have seen. I attended a conference that she hosted this summer in which I saw God blessing this cross-generational wholeness. Hannah connects with Gen Z through classes that she teaches, through meals she serves from her own home, and through a ministry in a neutral location called, "The Space." She is an outstanding speaker and writer and has a passion to extend belonging and a healthy sense of identity to Gen Z. I consider her to be a forerunner in the Kingdom of God in this area. I highly recommend Hannah Ploegstra and Brineknit as worthy of standing behind and supporting in every way possible.” (Richard Murphy, Executive Board, Life Model Works)
“Hannah’s teachings helped transform my mind to the power of relationships and the healing factors of the brain. I currently work at a men's impatient program where I teach the men everything that my spiritual mentor, Hannah, teaches me. Thank you for supporting her and her ministry.” (Roman Bravo, Strathmore, CA)
“My wife and I helped with a Gen Z retreat that Hannah planned, and we got to see first hand the beautiful and challenging work she does with the younger generation who are struggling and don’t know who they are. It is obvious that God has called her to this task, and these young adults respond to her. We look forward to working with and helping Hannah in the future and encourage you to get involved too. God is at work!” (Michel Hendricks, Director of Life Model Consulting)