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called to Gen Z


The Bible states clearly that where there is a lack of vision people perish; that a people cannot sustain commitment to the kingdom of God where they lack hope (a "dawn"), and that the only way to survive a societal moral meltdown is to keep ourselves in the love of God which guarantees a glorious future (Prov 29:18; Is 8:20; Jude 21; 1 Pet 1:3-9).


Gen Z (children born 1997-2012) is a generation in need of vision and the healing of vision. Where others tend to focus on the “issues” that Gen Z is facing (sexual identity, porn and other addictions, mental health, failure to thrive, etc), our focus is on knowing the whole person and healing their vital, joy-based connection to a whole life system. We hold the Bible as ultimate authority and find in its pages a promise of the restoration of our true humanity as we are reconnected within the network of life that God has provided. We believe that Gen Z is in crisis not only because of beliefs but because of a shattered worldview and sense of self that has disconnected them from creation, home, and family.


Next year (2025) is the first year of a new generation of humans, named Gen Beta. We believe that God has given us strategies that will not only support Gen Z now as young adults, but also will equip and train them and their communities to step into adult leadership, marriage, and parenting in a way that will prove vital for the health and survival of future generations.

what does gen z need?


clarity around identity

Contrary to much current popular ideology, identity is a process of self-knowledge resulting from attachments in family and multi-generational community. A person's sense of identity is the result of a lifetime - starting in the womb - of internal and external processes that inform "who I am and what it is like me to do." But identity is not ultimately sourced in self-perception (which can be false.) Instead, a person's identity is God's idea, and the true goal of "finding your identity" is to discover the person God made you to be - which is the way to freedom and joy.​


confidence around sexuality

Many of Gen Z are unsure what to make of what they hear about gender and sexuality. They truly need conversations that are more in-depth and better articulated than what their parents and grandparents ever needed. In a world where you can get cancelled for your thoughts on these issues, it's vital to be confident that what you believe is not only true, but also good, joyful, and life-giving. Gen Z doesn't want truth that can't hold up to their doubts, fears, pains, and experiences. We hold a biblical worldview on these issues, and are ready to help students learn that worldview in a way that will equip them to love, not condemn, those who see things differently.


joy in community

Gen Z is hungry for rich peer and multi-generational connections.​ We work hard to not only provide opportunities for these connections, but also to help Gen Z build the connections they need on their own. Our dream is to see Gen-Z-informed communities emerge all over the nation and the world as older generations begin to respond in compassion and patience to the story that Gen Z is living.



Integration is another word for "wholeness" or, as the Bible says, "shalom." Since Gen Z is now the next generation of adults in the world, the integration of mind, body, and spirit is urgent. We offer a lot of help for students who want to know how their work, health, relationships, and faith all connect into the person God created them to be.

Brineknit is a faith-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

©2024 by Brineknit

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